They've got brains and talent
The Rossmoor Woman’s Club honored Los Alamitos High School seniors Jacob Young, left, and Kailey Steenhausen as Students of the Month...
Giving the Gift of Reading
“You can find magic wherever you look. Sit back and relax, all you need is a book.” — Dr. Seuss One of GFWC’s 7 Grand Initiatives for...
RWC Has a Winner!
Rossmoor Woman's Club member Michelle Wittenberg is a winner! Michelle took first place in her category in the California Federation of...
Water polo, tennis captains honoroed
The Rossmoor Woman’s Club recently honored Los Alamitos seniors Sydney Valone and Jackson Lawrence as the seniors of the month for...
Congratulations, Los Al Students
At its November luncheon, the Rossmoor Woman’s Club honored Los Alamitos High School seniors Grace Lu, second from left in photo, and...
New Students of the Month
The Rossmoor Woman’s Club recently awarded a $500 scholarship to their September student of the month, Los Alamitos senior Annette...
Celebrating 60!
What a Diamond Jubilee! Rossmoor Woman's Club members gathered at the Grand on March 14 to celebrate the club's founding 60 years ago. ...
February Fellowship
Our general membership luncheon on Feb. 14 celebrated love and friendship. We also celebrated February birthday girls, including (from...
Thought for January
What Will We Do With This Year That’s So New? As we start a new year untouched and unmarred, Unblemished and flawless, unscratched and...
Happy Valentine's Day!
Club members beam as they show off homemade Valentines and gifts they plan to distribute to vets at the Long Beach Veterans Hospital.