Congratulations, esteemed members!
To cap off its first meeting of the fall on Sept. 20, the Rossmoor Woman’s Club honored its longest-term members with service pins from the national General Federation of Women’s Clubs. From left,in the photo are, Beverly Rigney, 25 years; Anna Moore, 30 years; Georglyn Seligman, 30 years; Lina LoBasso, 48 years; Barbara Lubach, 57 years; Bobbie Parkes, 58 years; Myrt Perisho, 52 years; and Vera Sample, 51 years. Not shown are Janice Anderson, 60 years; Charlotte Robertson, 51 years; Shary Reed, 38 years; Del Clark, 37 years; Deborah Groh, 33 years; and Melissa Keye, 29 years. During the meeting, board member Lorena Bartlett presented the history of the club. founded as a social and community service organization in 1958. She announced that since record-keeping began in 1964, the club has donated $1,080,000 to student scholarships and local charities through fundraisers such as the Annual Holiday Home Tour (coming up this year on Sunday, Dec. 3) and Spring Garden Tour on the third Sunday in May.
